Brave New Workforce
Brave New Workforce
Episode 1: Viva La Revolucion: Remote Work is Here to Stay

Episode 1: Viva La Revolucion: Remote Work is Here to Stay

Welcome to The Brave New Workforce Podcast! Your hosts Trip O’Dell, Anna Codina, and Larry Cornett give a quick teaser on what’s to come and why they’re excited for the future of work. The way we’ve been working is outdated and it’s time we re-examine how we can optimize this so that we live happier lives without having to make substantial career and lifestyle sacrifices. This podcast is about finding happiness, balance, and ultimately, living a quality life filled with freedom.

Key Takeaways
Our traditional way of working is broken, now what?
Disaster is commonplace in our society. We’ll adapt. Remote work is one of those adaptations.
This podcast is about optimizing your happiness so that you can have the freedom to do the things you want to do.
Introductions: Who are your co-hosts? Anna goes first and shares her story and her background.
Who is Larry? Larry shares how he got his start into remote work and consulting.
Who is Trip? Trip shares his story. Self-proclaimed as ‘Forrest Gump: The Sequel.’
Why is Trip excited about this podcast? There are a lot of things about work that are broken, but these are easy problems to fix!
Larry’s excited because we’re in the middle of a revolution. Larry had to leave his family in the midwest to have a career. We don’t have to do that anymore.
Are Millennials the unluckiest generation in history? Anna shares why she’s excited about the future.


Brave New Workforce
Brave New Workforce
Whether it's a new technology, a virus, or social change at a tipping point, disruption creates new opportunities in the workplace and modern life, but it's not all flying cars and rainbows, change is hard. Join Trip O'Dell, Anna Codina, and Larry Cornett as they look at the evolution of the workplace from traditional offices trying to figure out how to adapt to being suddenly remote, to companies that were born as "work anyplace" teams, and how those changes impact everything from how we collaborate to how our kids go to school, and what it all means for our local communities and the global economy.